Airport meteorological systems
Airport meteorological information system (AMIS) collects, processes, presents and stores meteorological data at the airports. It distributes significant data as QAM message to the flight control and to the other airport services. Standard meteo messages (TAF, SYNOP, METAR...) are sent to the international data exchange. AMIS consists of two QAM computers (main and spare), remote terminals and sensors that are located along the runway, at the the meteo garden, and in the meteo office.
AMIS collects and processes the following data:
- Wind speed an direction (e.g. from AMES UAM 118 Universal Anemometers)
- Horizontal instrumental visibility in the direction of the runway (RVR)
- Cloud base
- Meteorological data from the automatic meteorological station
- Atmospheric pressure
- Present weather data
- Text messages, input by the operator (VIS RWY, VIS PREV METAR, WEATHER, hShS, WARNING, TREND)
- Other meteorological data
Built-in QA/QC procedures assure quality and integrity of the measured data.
Each 15 seconds data are sent to the remote terminals in the tower and to the other airport services. AMIS stores all data to the internal databases, thus enabling browsing and inspection of the hystoric data.
- Conforms to ICAO and WMO standards
- Provides meteorological information to airport MET office, flight control and other airport services
- Generates standard meteorological messages (QAM, SYNOP, METAR, TAF,...)
- Sends messages into international data exchange
- Serves as synoptical station for the national synoptical network
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"We are involved with AMES d.o.o. in activities regarding meteorological and environmental measurements for many years now. We are very satisfied with the quality of their products, services and after sales activities and we recomend AMES to everybody else."
MSc. Alenka Pivko Kneževič
B.Sc. Arch.
Senior Advisor